
Friday, August 1, 2014

Gov. Jan Brewer, Signs the Blue Alert System into Law

On July 31, 2014, Gov. Jan Brewer Signed into law, House Bill 2323, which will establishes a Blue Alert notification system designed to issue and coordinate alerts following an attack on a law-enforcement officer.
The system, an effort among state officials, broadcasters and others, will disseminate information statewide about suspected offenders — including detailed descriptions of the offenders, their vehicles and license-plate information. The system would be activated if, among other things, an officer has been killed or seriously injured and investigators determine the offender poses a threat to the public or other law enforcement.
The Blue Alert system has been adopted in 18 states and is being considered in seven others.
Tom Berry, the Founder of the National Blue Alert System welcomes the Great State of Arizona to the Blue Alert Family and was at the Signing Ceremony with Governor Jan Brewer and other Officials for the Signing of the Bill into Law. With Arizona, this makes 19 States that have the Blue Alert System. Kansas is the 20th State to have the Blue Alert in their State.